by Jackie Queally | Jan 29, 2018 | healing, nature
Can we have tree conversations? Last year I published my book Reconnecting with Trees. After that I incorporated various techniques I describe in the book into my work, connecting with trees on walks and workshops in various locations. Sometimes people experienced...by Jackie Queally | Nov 6, 2016
Enjoy a special creatively presented workshop that helps us find inspiration from the Celtic Trees, spending time with them in the beautiful setting of Brigit’s Garden. We will use many innovative approaches that you can use afterwards. You are welcome to a...by Jackie Queally | Jul 13, 2016 | News
After Marko Pogacnik’s visit to the Burren I invited local participants from his workshop to return for a follow-up workshop tour in South Galway, tuning into the earth energies and practising Gaia Touch exercises in nature. Throughout this post I will include...by Jackie Queally | Jun 28, 2016 | News
This is a workshop to develop our awareness of tree archetypes as valid aspects of our soul life. Through activities that are simple to replicate we will be encouraged and inspired to develop our own means of communicating with trees as tree archetypes. This uses the...by Jackie Queally | May 28, 2016
Many people have an affinity with trees. They touch our hearts in different ways according to the tree type and our own personality and soul purpose. In ancient Celtic countries the Celtic Ogham trees were created when the elders looked to their native trees for...by Jackie Queally | Jan 6, 2016 | News
“Truly winter is a season of Inner Fireworks with an opportunity to dance with the earth, as at no other time.” (Shirley Langpohl, Nova Scotia) During these literally dark times we are experiencing on the...