by Jackie Queally | Aug 3, 2018
Reconnecting with Celtic Trees for Wisdom and Peace In this presentation Jackie will guide you through the Celtic Year with anecdotes and illustrations. Learn how the tree months (based on the lunar year) were teaching aids in the past, and how today there is wisdom...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 4, 2018
This is the next in a series of spiritual nature walks based on the Celtic Tree year. This time we are meeting in the extreme southwest of Ireland where incredibly beautiful feminine landscapes hold forth. We now enter the Hazel and Crabapple month, a time when we go...
by Jackie Queally | Jan 30, 2018
During National Tree Week why not get out and acknowledge the wonderful trees on our doorstep? Fancy a tranquil walk in a beautiful wooded glen? A mindful stroll Jackie Queally of Earthwise is offering a slow meditative journey down the Inagh glen. Behind the Falls...
by Jackie Queally | Apr 16, 2017
Healing Walk Enjoy a healing walk in a secret glen, as part of the Taste the Burren festival. Locals already know they can find great peace and tranquility in the glen behind their hotel, iconically situated about the Falls of Ennistymon. Now I am going to let you in...
by Jackie Queally | Mar 18, 2017
Spend Midsummer’s Day at a private stone circle The above lights or energies showed up after a simple prayer of gratitude was given at a stone circle on private land. We welcome you so a Midsummer Day workshop in an exclusive venue. Blood sisters Ann...
by Jackie Queally | Jan 15, 2017
Celebrate Spring on or near the Equinox at Thor Ballylee, the ancient tower house that was home to W. B Yeats in South Galway for many summers. Meet at 10 a.m. on Monday 20th March in the car park for Thor Ballylee. I am repeating the walk for those unable to attend...
by Jackie Queally | Aug 1, 2016 | News
My tree meditations for the Celtic Tree continue with the Heather. The group of trees that support the Heather Season in the Ogham Calendar are very positive ones with powerful intuitive qualities too. The heather is primarily connected to the dreamtime and so can...
by Jackie Queally | Jul 4, 2016
This Celtic Tree workshop starts by looking at the qualities of each Celtic Tree by sharing a synopsis of the Celtic Tree calendar and also following some guided meditations on the current Celtic season, after which we can share our experiences. This cycle of Celtic...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 29, 2016
This is a unique workshop which includes my seasonal meditations with Celtic Trees. It allows you to follow the wisdom of a traditional lunar tree cycle by way of meditations led and composed by poet and writer Jackie Queally. Based on her earlier book Tree Murmurs...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 28, 2016
This informal talk on the Ogham trees is upon invitation from a local women’s group, with whom I will explain the Ogham tree essences and meditation process I have been creating based on my former research into Celtic trees for the booklet Tree Murmurs I wrote...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 28, 2016
This is a workshop to develop our awareness of tree archetypes as valid aspects of our soul life. Jackie has been developing a year-long series of tree meditations from the Ogham calendar (an ancient tree calendar) that has provided her with fresh insights into the...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 28, 2016 | News
This is a workshop to develop our awareness of tree archetypes as valid aspects of our soul life. Through activities that are simple to replicate we will be encouraged and inspired to develop our own means of communicating with trees as tree archetypes. This uses the...
by Jackie Queally | May 28, 2016
Many people have an affinity with trees. They touch our hearts in different ways according to the tree type and our own personality and soul purpose. In ancient Celtic countries the Celtic Ogham trees were created when the elders looked to their native trees for...
by Jackie Queally | May 2, 2016 | News
The hawthorn month is a time when nature is showing us her pulse loud and clear, and it is a racey one, with the courting of the king and queen at Beltaine, and the strong heart that the hawthorn affords. She transforms the smouldering fire of the blackthorn into a...
by Jackie Queally | Apr 5, 2016 | News
I am creating an exciting innovative range of audio meditations honouring the Celtic tree calendar. This meditation product goes very well with my book Tree Murmurs and the Celtic Tree essences I administer as one of the first qualified Ogham Tree practitioners in...