by Jackie Queally | Aug 3, 2018
Reconnecting with Celtic Trees for Wisdom and Peace In this presentation Jackie will guide you through the Celtic Year with anecdotes and illustrations. Learn how the tree months (based on the lunar year) were teaching aids in the past, and how today there is wisdom...
by Jackie Queally | Aug 3, 2018
Reconnecting with Celtic Trees for Wisdom and Peace In this presentation Jackie will guide you through the Celtic Year with anecdotes and illustrations. Learn how the tree months (based on the lunar year) were teaching aids in the past, and how today there is wisdom...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 4, 2018
This is the next in a series of spiritual nature walks based on the Celtic Tree year. This time we are meeting in the extreme southwest of Ireland where incredibly beautiful feminine landscapes hold forth. We now enter the Hazel and Crabapple month, a time when we go...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 28, 2016
This informal talk on the Ogham trees is upon invitation from a local women’s group, with whom I will explain the Ogham tree essences and meditation process I have been creating based on my former research into Celtic trees for the booklet Tree Murmurs I wrote...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 28, 2016
This is a workshop to develop our awareness of tree archetypes as valid aspects of our soul life. Jackie has been developing a year-long series of tree meditations from the Ogham calendar (an ancient tree calendar) that has provided her with fresh insights into the...
by Jackie Queally | Jan 6, 2016 | News
“Truly winter is a season of Inner Fireworks with an opportunity to dance with the earth, as at no other time.” (Shirley Langpohl, Nova Scotia) During these literally dark times we are experiencing on the...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 20, 2015 | News
My books on sale at Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh, Scotland are not only about the chapel itself. In some ways the chapel is a sacred grove set in stove. In the fifteenth century there was a great deal of knowledge of tree lore and the power of nature that inspired...