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Rosslyn Chapel and Glen Tour

my rare books on Rosslyn Chapel

I first offered my day tour of Rosslyn Chapel and Glen in 1999 to a delightful woman with the initials of MC. She worked as a personal secretary in Central America and was of North American stock. Her exclamation “Oh to be a fly on the wall several years from now!” never left me, as she was imagining with great apparent glee how the tours would develop and mature. Twenty five years later, and I do wonder where she is…

How Historical Day Tours of Rosslyn Chapel and Glen morphed into a more Experiential Tour

The day tours of Rosslyn Chapel and Glen started in 1999 on a historical basis, noting links between the Sinclairs and the local Knights Templar, Cistercians and other noble families. It soon progressed through my participation in a Scottish “mystery school”. I introduced knowledge of ley lines, earth grids and esoteric knowledge of the Celto-Hebraic tradition. By 2004 this led to a deep pool of knowledge and a wider spiritual remit. The body of knowledge is dedicated to the evolution of consciousness of all sentient beings.

Feminine Consciousness

When I moved to Ireland I learnt through various practices how the softer feminine side of consciousness is of equal importance to the harder external factual side of life. Returning to Scotland now I aim to integrate the two sides of the brain. I present esoteric knowledge and strive to enable inward experiences for those visiting Rosslyn Chapel and Glen. Roslin Glen is a temple to the feminine mysteries of fertility and the deep elementals that reside at the heart of Mother Nature.

My published spiritual guides to the chapel still sell well in Rosslyn Chapel. On a private day tour of Rosslyn Chapel and glen  we can go deeper than what these guides offer, with additional insights into the layout of the chapel and its choice of subjects for carving.

Tours of 2024 are for groups or smaller parties.


1-2 persons £450

3 people £500

4 people £550

5 people £600

6 people £650

Above that group rates of £700 apply for up to 12 people.


Posted on

June 5, 2024

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