00353 83 4117498 info@earthwise.me

Testimonials for tours

These are some of the testimonials for tours that I have received over the years. It seems a pity not to keep them. Hopefully it will give you an idea of what to expect if you book my services!

On July 30, 2024, I spend several hours touring Rosslyn Chapel and Rosslyn Glen with Jackie Queally. The Castle itself was under renovation so visitors were unable  to walk the road leading to it. Jackie was able to navigate the area around the Chapel and Castle to give us a wonderful perspective of the rich history of this area. Her knowledge and wisdom of the space was enlightening and brought it all to life. Jackie has been studying the Chapel and Glen for many years which was quite evident as we walked around the outside and inside of the chapel. Her patience in answering questions and allowing us time in each space to feel into the energy was very profound. She seemed to know when we needed extra time to walk and to just “be” in the beautiful shaded groves and sacred spaces inside and
outside the Chapel. It was truly a wonderful experience that I hope will be made possible again in my next trip to Scotland.

Terry Anne Wildman,  2024

Recently a friend and I had the pleasure of reserving a tour of Roslin Glen and Rosslyn Chapel with Jackie.  I own several of Jackie’s books about Rosslyn Chapel.  Before our trip I reread her books preparing to expand my knowledge about the significance and creation of the chapel.
This tour was a unique opportunity to firstly, explore the Glen.  It was obvious Jackie has an intimate knowledge of the sacred spots and how they correspond to the energies.  It was a truly amazing and magical experience.  Jackie’s knowledge of the chapel’s design, placement and carvings were a gift adding a whole new perspective of the wisdom and knowledge embedded into its creation and purpose.
I feel extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to meet Jackie.  I would highly recommend anyone who has the desire to explore Rosslyn Chapel on a deeper level and also to experience her guidance and wisdom in these sacred places.
Georgi N.
Biddeford, Maine USA 2024
Thank you Jackie! … what splendid days and hours we shared … communing with sacred places and the guardians of these lands and waters, trees and creatures … flowers and winds
My soul is elevated and happy.
Now home I share with my community about my splendid guide who fully understood the spirit of my pilgrim vision of communing and ceremony.
In deepest gratitude to you.
Blessings and peace. Mark Griffith, New Mexico 2022

Dear Jackie, Thank you so much for all your deep and shared wisdom! It was indeed a very very intense itinerary with loads of information which hopefully will one day be downloaded into our beings.  Personally I enjoyed the trip and the company. I appreciate the notes, will study them calmly as I read your books too and hopefully then will have a more complete panorama of all that we did.Take care,                                                                                                                                                                                            Blessings! Laura, Mexico 2019

I’m still reflecting on all the inspirations you left me with. It’s days after that I begin to realize you’re doing really special work. Climbing up and down the rocks with you was probably the most special experience I had in Ireland.
Melissa Huang San Francisco translator/editor 2016

I had an awesome time with you and what an adventure!! Enjoyed our time together a great deal as well. You are a very deep woman and very much in tune with nature. I can appreciate that. Seems that people do seek your knowledge and insight into the things we least understand. That is one of the traits that attracted me to you in the first place and made me choose your tour.I learned a lot from you and will continue searching new ideas that you had brought up in conversations we had. Joseph Campbell, civilian worker, Afghanistan (2009)
Alberto and Sara Mazzochi , Lombardy doctor and novelist www.albertomazzocchi.com Thank you for a fantastic and beautiful day!

Thank you for a fantastic and beautiful day! and Sara Mazzochi. Lombardy doctor and novelist.

was really really good. The sound healing session with the practitioner at her private sacred site was a good addition to the tour spots that we went to and the energy of each site we went to sort of flowed into each other seamlessly. I was very satisfied with it all. Kuin, Sydney February 2012:

I had two wonderful days with you and want to thank you. The healing put the finishing touches on such a beautiful experience, putting it all together for me. I look forward to going to Rennes Le Chateau with you later.Ursula, Germany March 2012


Hello Jackie, This is a belated follow up to our wonderful tour with you. Thanks again for the VIP tour. Walking in the glen around the chapel still stands out as a favorite experience in Scotland. Those old and large trees had a lasting affect on me. Here is a photo of the kids:” Jenna and George Ross, Holland


“It was one of my favourite experiences in the Scotland wing of my trip. You are a truly lovely person and so knowledgeable – all of the testimonials on your web site speak to this and I wanted to say that I agree wholeheartedly. There is something truly magical about that place (especially Roslin Glen)”. Louisa Budzinski,, Canada

Good morning Jackie. I just wanted to let you know how very much I enjoyed the tour of Rosslyn Chapel on June 25th 2008. I particularly enjoyed the walk to the castle and through the glen and the opportunity to go to Temple. Now that I am home I’m looking forward to having the time to sit down and read your books — I wish I had read them before I went to Rosslyn! Your knowledge is astounding and the manner in which you present it is easy to understand, fun and informative. It was a great day Jackie and I thank you again. Robin Kamminga, Vancouver

“My son and I want to tell you how much we enjoy both trails. Rosslyn Chapel, the glen (the images, smells, the calm and spirituality of that place keep coming to me) the Templars, all the history and mysteries will always be in our hearts. It was really magical. Your knowledge is truly deep and you know how to transmit it! We want to come back and do some trails with you again. Both trails were the highlights of our trip”. Viviana Lisanti Buenos Aires , Argentina Head of Film Acquisitions.

“I visited Edinburgh at the urging of an acquaintance, and through this person was introduced to “Celtic Trail” run by Jackie Queally She is an historian extraordinaire and uses her knowledge to guide tourists through and to unique locations and significant spiritual locations that the ordinary tourist would never encounter or understand alone. The one day tour my daughter and I took with her was the highlight of our nine day trip, and led us to other people like here and other important spiritual locations”Johanna Parker, Ontario

“Thanks again for Saturday afternoon. We learnt a lot and it is certainly made me more interested in the Culdees and their history.” Dr Kerry-Ann Adamson, Fuel Cell Today (scientific advisor)“I loved Edinburgh and the tour was a great way to start off my trip. I hope to be back and I’d like to keep in touch as maybe next time we could do the other part of the tour that covers Knights Templar etc.” Diana Moore, USA

” We saw four countries and a lot of tours on our vacation but your “Ancient Edinburgh and Rosslyn Chapel Tours” were the best.. Thanks for making Scotland our favorite place to visit.”
Marty & Lucy Martindill, Katy,nearHouston, TEXAS

”I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your Edinburgh tour on Monday. I was already looking forward to the tour itself but you certainly brought the history to life and made it enjoyable for me and my friends. Your knowledge is amazing (How on earth do you remember it all?!)
I have a great interest in standing stones, ley lines and practically everything else you talked to us about on the tour”. Donah (one of the 5 Essex girls!)

“It was a pleasure to have participated in your educational, insightful and fun tour of the Edinburgh sites depicting the history and mythical aspects of religious and spiritual artifacts. I have been to many parts of this wonderful globe but will remember this one as a highlight… Your personality and style made it truly fit the myriad of thoughts and beautiful countryside sites you so graciously shared… I highly recommend others experience this when visiting Edinburgh .” Regina M. Cusack, J.D., Ph.D. Texas & New York , U.S.A.

It was by chance that we met,since Violet searched the Internet looking for what was available& not knowing what we would find. We assumed we would be part of a moderate size group in a small van or mini-bus & would follow the crowd thru the tour, jockying for a good position to hear the talk & me taking photos & videos, over,around & thru the other guests.
But what a suprise!,when we met on August 15.2006, in front of the Caledonian Hotel, at exactly 9:30 am( not 32 0r 33, but exactly),There was the Mini-Van emblazened with Celtic Trails & you, Jackie stepping
forth & introducing yourself. I am Walt Besser & my wife is Violet Besser, formerly Violet Sinclair. Her father a Piper & Knight of the Black Watch, a Golf Pro from St Andrews & her mother a member of the Napier Family & a registered pharmacist. We recently discovered her Sinclair family ties to Roslyn & felt we had to see it.
You were a real joy to wander thru the historic area with, I realize I was a wee bit behind you & Vi with my Photographic documentation, but what a treasure. We have your words, descriptions & directions to features in
your own voice, so when I look at our photos & videos I am again in that cool woody glade, enjoying the moist, fragrant forest & witnessing our unforgettable day. Walter Besserjust arrived back in NYC….Thank you again for the fantastic day…It was such a pleasure to have the private tour with you, and it was very inspiring to get a bit of your wealth of insight into it all! I’m glad we did the glen, because to me that was as important a part of it all as Rosslyn itself…! Thanks again”
r o b, Broadway Musical Director, Broadway“I just arrived back to the US the other night and I wanted to say “thank you” for the great tour and hike to Rosslyn Chapel. I really enjoyed it and loved all of the history you included. It was very informative and interesting. I also enjoyed reading the two pamphlets I purchased from you. You did a great job and thanks again! Take care and don’t forget to let me know when you publish your new book”.
Diane Moore, USA“Betsy & I truly enjoyed the day we spent sloshing around in our Wellies. As you know, the sights we saw and talked about have been of interest to me for a long time. I think I have some Templars in my family tree, so it was quite meaningful to walk around in what may have even been their former milieu. The Chapel itself is more real to me now for having seen it in full sweep rather than in snapshots in texts, and your presentation focused on details within the broader context. Your selection of sites and activities was just what we wanted to see and do.” Dianne Meagher, Retired Secondary Teacher, Knoxville Tennessee“Your tour was the highlight of our trip and I am recommending you to my neighbors who are planning a trip this fall”. Richard Burrow, USA“Thank you so much for that wonderful day. We hope to come back to Edinburgh sometime and will surely contact you then. If the leylines lead you to Cologne , please call..”..Andrea Pies, Germany“Thank you so much for our tour of Rosslyn and vicinity. I’m ordering “Gaia Matrix” (an excellent read by Boston architect Peter Champoux) this morning and have enjoyed the reading material we got from you. Thanks again for your kindness. We can’t wait until next year to continue! “
Allan A. Mussehl Dean of Instruction

“Would just like to thank you for an excellent tour of Rosslyn and the Templar sites on Monday. It was an educational delight”. Ray McAllister, Quantum

“On Sept. 27th we went on a daytour to Rosslyn Chapel and other attractions with Jackie and four other “tourists”. However, we did not feel like tourists at all because this was like a wonderful day spent with good friends to see and explore ancient cultures and follow their trail. This was a spectacular and unforgettable experience.” Thordis Kristjansdottir and Magnus Jonsson , Iceland

“I really enjoyed the tour to Rosslyn, Temple etc. A beautiful day with 5 people from different countries, who experienced a connection. Wonderful. You bring your homeland “alive” and show the magic of the Ancient still exists Today! Much more than ready made tourism. I’ m looking forward to a longer Celtic Trail with more. Many thanks, blessings” Mieke du Laing, from Belgium .

“I want to let you know how deeply impressed I was with our day in and about Rosslyn Chapel. That time with you – as guide and resource – was a personal revelation to me…informative, inspiring and deeply satisfying “ Elizabeth Michel USA

“If you did not have Jackie as a guide to go round with you,, you would have missed the whole point – you would have taken lots of pictures of pretty things and that would be about it/
The carvings are a physical manifestation of spiritual mysteries and also reveal the connection to the earth”. Bruce Cain Prof Engineering, Mississippi

“I thoroughly enjoyed my tour with Celtic Trails of the Rosslyn Chapel and Glen. Jackie Queally’s hospitality and considerable knowledge and expertise of the sacred sites and landscape in the area added tremendously to my experience. I would heartily recommend that anyone seeking to visit the amazing sacred sites and energies of Scotland take advantage of Celtic Trails to fully complete the experience of their visit. I learned so much more and saw so many places that I previously was unaware of, by having Jackie as a guide. Thank you Celtic Trails!” James Tipton (Tyberonn) Texas www.Earth-Keeper.com)

a native of Edinburgh I was introduced to ‘Celtic Trails’ by an American! It is true that we do not know what is right there on our doorsteps.

On Sunday 25th August 2002 my American friend and I met up with Jackie to set out on the ‘Rosslyn Trail’. This full day package includes a visit to Rosslyn Chapel and Roslin Glen.
I had visited the Chapel some years before but it was a completely new and wonderful experience seeing it through Jackie’s eyes. She brought the place alive for me. I felt I was reliving history itself. Previously I had thought of Rosslyn Chapel only in connection with the ‘Apprentice Pillar’. How wrong could I be. Jackie brought to life the ‘Knights of the Templar’ and the ‘Green Men’ I was transported back in time and the tolling of the chapel bell just served to make the setting more authentic. A wonderful visit.
You cannot visit the Chapel without also visiting Roslin Glen. It is a most ‘magical’ place and again Jackie brought me in touch with my spiritual side as we wandered through the Glen. There is so much to see that without Jackie’s knowledge, experience and insight, I would have missed a great deal of the magic of the place. Jackie is not just a tour guide she is a historian, a guru, a wonderful warm person and fun to be with. My day out with Jackie is one I will treasure forever, a truly wonderful experience.” Jeannete Campbell, company P.A., Edinburgh .

“Jackie In Marcia and my thirty-two years together, I am fairly certain that our day with you tied for one of the best two or three days we have ever spent. We relate the whole day to anyone that will listen. Thank you so much …….. we tell anyone that gets within a thousand miles of Edinburgh that they should go there and take your tour”. Hank Adler , California

Jackie, our day with you was such a wonder! In my mind’s eye I have traveled back to the Druid Circle , the enchanted forest, and of course Rosslyn Chapel and Castle many times. I wish there was someway to convey to you what pure delight that was. But, ever since we returned to the States, words seem only like a hollow shell of meagre expression. Please accept my gratitude for the sharing of your wisdom, insight and mirth” Diane Mathias, California (post conference tour)

I got SO much out of your tour: you’re very enlightening, enriching, and entertaining, on several levels. You deserve every success. A quality experience such as your needs to be widely known and appreciated. Kent Gorham Drummond, Marketing Professor , USA

“Thank you again for your wonderful tour! We enjoyed it so much and we hope to come back to Scotland again. Rosslyn is a fantastic place. The church is outstanding, but everything around is interesting. It was a brilliant “lecture” on Rosslyn but also on the surrounding areas and it never bored us. On the contrary, we were stimulated to read more and to come back again to Scotland Annon

I have forwarded the notes to Binny. We enjoyed the trip very much. Thanks for everything! Manasi Abhyankar, Canary Wharf London

.”What struck me most about your 1/2 day tour was:
(a) There are deep spiritual mysteries enshrined there at Rosslyn Chapel, reflected in an intimate twinning of Christianity and Druidic Culture. The tourist-crowd and the preservation work can easily obscure these “connections”: things that can be seen physically but only felt and “known” at the level of the soul. Without a guide through the crowded hubbub, we would have missed the whole point of the adventure.

(b) The area around the Chapel, its grounds and glen, are “enchanted”. The Chapel is certainly the focal point, but it simply reflects that which “runs with the land itself”. A tour of the environs around Rossyln Chapel is essential to feel the important “Earth” nexus: As Above, So Below.

Like many folks, my “proffessional career” lends obscurity to many other realms of life that are important. The Rosslyn tour was a much needed glimpse into forgotten truths. I am interested in learning more!” Bruce Cain, Mississippi

“Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciated Ivor and the wonderful tour he guided on to Rosslyn, Roslin Glen , etc. He was very knowledgeable and accommodating and we had a great time. It was the highlight of our trip to Edinburgh “
Ronda Burnham, U.S (Ed:Ivor joined as a co-guide in 2005)

“Thanks for the delightful day at Rosslyn Chapel. Hope to do on another tour with you some time” Meg Linden, England

“I haven’t a glen as magnificent as this in Devon – nothing to compare it with – thank you so much for showing it all to me.” Mervyn Temple, England

(Ed;. Mervyn is a brave English minister who went to gaol at age of 84 while visiting Zimbabwe in Sepember 2003 and delivering a personal letter of protest to President Mugabe. Following his release, he published a story that raised much needed funds for the victims of this regime.

“We had a lovely time on your tour, and thank you very much for your willingness to take us on under such short notice conditions”.. Read Mercer Schuchardt, lecturer and researcher into symbolism and iconography, Switzerland

“We had especially liked your putting the area into context for me and then going into the chapel last. That really brought the center of the morning into focus. All those people, all those lives, all the intersecting lines of knowledge and wisdom and effort made the rocks and stones sing. The beautiful weather helped a lot too!” Sandi Chambers Lawrenceville GA USA

“Thank you again for your wonderful tour of the glen and the chapel last Friday; we had a wonderful afternoon with you. We will recommend your tours to our friends who want to travel to Scotland .”
Uri and Max Christ, Cologne , Germany

“As we recapped our trip and talked about highlights, your tour was right up there with St. Andrews and Iona Chapel as favorite destinations. It is no coincidence, I think, that all had an ancient, spiritual component. Ivor, you are quite an ambassador for Scotland : articulate, gracious, warm, and fun. Thanks so much for a memorable tour!”
Marcia Schoeni USA

“Everyone who took the tour with you of Rosslyn Chapel came back to Dublin with a sense of awe of the interwoven legends, histories and secrets that have been so intricately realised in sculpture. You have a great capacity to inspire and inform both those who are new to the subject and those with some background knowledge. Thanks so much for your time, effort and expertise, all of which were greatly appreciated”.
Portia Reynolds director of architects, Ireland

“But most of all thank you for the tour of Rosslyn Chapel. The early morning ( Edinburgh ) and afternoon tour was fun. Your knowledge of the knights, masons, and the chapel was extremely impressive. “ Anne Griffin US

“Es un lugar maravlloso y queremos volver- gracias!” (meaning – It’s a marvellous place and we want to come back – thank you!)” Walter and Carolina, lawyer and doctor respectfully, Montivideo, Uraguay

“Thank you again for your wonderful tour of the glen and the chapel last friday; we had a wonderful afternoon with you. We will recommend your tours to our friends who want to travel to Scotland . “
Uri and Max Christ, Cologne , Germany

“Thank you again for a most enjoyable tour. We learned a great deal – enough to whet the appetite for more. My husband, Scott really loved our whole trip to Scotland and may want to return when we have more time so we will keep your contact information for the future. Best wishes in your research endeavors this winter!”
Susan Bayer Van Steen

“Everthing I wanted and more. A great view of Rosslyn Glen. Thank you for sharing – all the best,”
Maryann Zurmenlen, USA

“Very lluminating experience. Jackie is wonderful Thanks! “ Ara Volkan USAaccountant

“A truly wonderful experience. A heart healthy tour!” Anne Barran, cardiology nurse

“Thank you very much for the trip to Rosslyn it was so good. Thanks again for all information and the walk around rosslyn. I’m hure we’ll be back again” Silvi And Tomas from Stockholm .

“We talk often about how magic that trip to Rosslyn and the glen were….a very high point in our travels. My daughter Nancy thought the tour was just fantastic as did son Jerry! we may want to do it again some time” ………. Wilson clan, USA

“It was a most enlightening adventure. The Rosslyn Chapel was enchanting, and the walk through the Glenn was so peaceful yet alive with the sound of the trees and nature at her finest. ….your tours should be highly recommended to anyone who plans on a visit to Scotland .” Theresa Rudd, Florida

“Hello Jackie, Just to say thank you for a lovely day out, I really enjoyed it!” Josie Jensen, Edinburgh

“My trip to Scotland was wonderful, but the tour with you was magical. You are an important link to reconnecting and re-awakening people in the present day to their divine purpose in connection with the Rose Line. Deborah Jones, healing centre manager USA

“I wanted to tell you how much my sister (Lilla) and I (Inga) enjoyed the tour to Rosslyn chapel and the other visits we had that day in July. (I wish I had had a notebook with me to write down some details.) We were keen to know more about all the historical facts and the mysteries as well, of the places we visited that great day. This day made a difference for me, I am interested in studying more about ley-lines and geometrics here in Iceland “
Ingibjorg Ringsted. Iceland

“..a.very interesting and informative. We are from Norway and it is interesting to see the places where our ancestors settled. Excellent and very nice guide.”
Andreassen family, Andoya Island, Norway

“I would like to thank you again for the wonderful excursion to Rosslyn”.Jane Saunders , Greece

“I would like to thank you for arranging Ivor Henricksen to conduct the Ancient Chapels Tour. He was an excellent guide. The tour was wonderful and enjoyed by my husband and myself. We found it very interesting and informative. I will once I catch up on all my reading will be ordering more of your books to be more informed of the ancient times and their beliefs. Once again thank you.”
Jean Duhamel“I hadn’t realised what rich dowsing territory Midlothian contains – and it was a very pleasant surprise indeed.
I can recommend to anyone passing this way, and looking for a tour operator to provide a sympathetic dowsing environment, Jacqui Queally’s Celtic Trails. Lunch was good too!”
Nigel Twin, town planner, Tavistock England (for a full report of his trip see his dowsing group site Tamar Dowswers.“You come away from the tour learning something not just sightseeing” Scott Huegel, USA“We want to thank you for showing us such beautiful sites outside Edinburgh . We looked at our digitial pictures on the plane ride home and loved them. The pictures of Rosslyn were especially lovely. The cemeteries were serene and gave you a feeling of calmness. I will certainly keep your website for when we return. We will hold onto many fond memories for a long time”.
Debbie Roman, USA
“Again, I want to thank you for your lovely tour on Saturday. They all were fascinated, even our teenage Trey, who couldn’t stop talking both about the castle and Roslin.

The wedding was lovely and we were all so touched that many of the parishioners of the Borthwick church came back for the ceremony. What generosity of spirit on their part. It was a happy day all around, and the new Mrs. Hershey said that the whole experience exceeded her expectations by miles. How nice!

Again, thanks for your part–it was great. This morning looking at the pictures from the wedding and taking her the ones from my camera. Thanks to you, there are neat ones of Crichton, Rosslyn, gravestones at the old chapel interior shots of Rosslyn. And green men”
Kitty Herrman, Scotland Specialist from Virgina

“This tour is one that we will always remember from our trip to Edinburgh . The attention and friendliness of Jackie is what makes the tour so special. We visited some beautiful places and We were able to listen to the history behind them. We also had the opportunity to experience energy flows thanks “ to our colleagues in the tour. It was a wonderful experience”.Lucia and Gabriela from Costa Rica , Central America .

“a wonderful, mystical step back in time” Wayne and Brenda Guy USA

I loved the tour and would like to learn more about the area and hopefully in time I’ll be back with some of my friends who would enjoy your tour, Thanks again, Jefferson Irvin, Canada

Classic One Day Tour
“Had a great time with you thanks for much for the tour and all the little “extras” about the places we visited. Thanks so much” Mike Steinmetz, Canada

“I’ve done the Cairnpapple Hill, Merlin & Ancient Edinburgh/Rosslyn tours. I always feel on such a high the day after your trips that when I’ve done them all I’ll probably start at the beginning again!”
Ann Mitchell, biochemist, Scotland

“Jackie’s Celtic Trails tour was without doubt the finest in my maiden visit to Edinburgh . Most other tour operators pack 40-50 people into a large coach and embark on 12-hour trips. Passengers are let out for one or two “photo opportunities” which last barely five minutes. Against this colossal waste of time and money, Jackie’s tour is intelligently limited to 6 people or less. During the course of the day tour, I was able to engage in discussions with individuals from different parts of the world in a warm cozy atmosphere. Jackie’s extensive knowledge of the sites made this an enjoyable history lesson. My personal interest in earth religions and the rich magical traditions of Scotland were well-served by this unusual and unique journey. If your objective is a personalized, relaxed, joyful, educative visitation of unusual Scottish history, I would strongly recommend Celtic Trails”
Raaj Chandra , India

“I did want to recommend the Celtic Trails system again, it was very enjoyable, and Jackie is very knowledgeable about everything! It was a great experience.” April Walker and Brian Norris, owners of Enchanted Grove , U.S.

“Jackie Queally, with her profound historical knowledge, unique and impressive personality, is able to create a special atmosphere on her tours, make them rich with information, sightseeing and excitement.” Michel Rushanksy, St Petersburg .

“Many thanks!” Nataly Zagorskai, sales manager, Moscow

“You come away from the tour learning something, not just sightseeing.” Scott Huegel, IT trainer, London

“An insightful and beautiful outlook of Scotland and its Celtic traditions. Highly recommended for the history oriented visitor. Thank you Jackie!” Paula Schmidt, journalist and mother, Santiago,Chile

“Many thanks for helping to make my first visit to Scotland so memorable. I really appreciated your generousity in sharing your knowledge as well as your family and friends with me. Happy Birthday” Colleen McKinney, Canada

“My trips with Celtic Trails were a delight. Ms Queally is personable, enthusiastic and knowledgeable; her ‘extra bits’ on whatever site or locale we visited were an additional pleasure. Flexibility of the trips is another plus. An unplanned hour in a remote kirkyard with a local who knew (and told us of) the history of each grave was serendipity – typical of Celtic Trails, and a real treat.”
Margaret Crump, Tennessee

“Thank you for the notes. Our best day in Scotland was your tour.We all really enjoyed it. Take Care” Alexia California USA

“My experience while on tour left me feeling like I entered a different time and place in some inexplicable way… I thought the tours were exceptional”
Aija Hughes , California“We really would like to see you again; I’ve learned so much since our last meeting and would like you to bring your dowsing rods and show me more about ley lines. Not many tour companies offer anything as spiritual and personal as you”.
Susan & John Jones USA“Thank you Jackie.Thanks for a lovely tour – Sun on your path.”
Dirk Westra, musician & Mindy Canlas, Amsterdam .
”I remember with such delight my two excursions with you, and cherish the memory in my mind’s eye of Paddy Moneghan and his Corgi sitting there, in the sunshine, waiting for us in Culross Old Kirkyard!” Peggy Crump, USA

“I am still in complete awe from your tour!, Wish I were there to go again right now today you gave me a memory that I will hold to my heart for a very long time!” Doris Smith, Nevada

“It was a pleasure to have participated in your educational, insightful and fun tour of the Edinburgh sites depicting the history and mythical aspects of religious and spiritual artifacts. I have been to many parts of this wonderful globe but will remember this one as a highlight… Your personality and style made it truly fit the myriad of thoughts and beautiful countryside sites you so graciously shared… I highly recommend others experience this when visiting Edinburgh .” Regina M. Cusack, J.D., Ph.D. Texas & New York , U.S.A.

“Thank you for the lovely walking tours to Rosslyn and the Merlin trail. I learned a lot and enjoyed being outside. The weather was perfect, the tea and short bread were yummie, and your knowledge was superb. Thanks for two wonderful days”.
Helene Kiddie, California“I thoroughly enjoyed your lovely tour.You are so knowledgeable and have a wonderful manner of sharing these facts and figures” Trudi Cook , Illinois travel agent
“It was a most memorable day and I truly believe that I caught some of the spirit.” Eva Mader, Seattle , Washington .

“Having come from the coast in Western Australia , I was particularly interested in the ancient coastal sites featured within the Traprain Law trail. The magnificent views, especially from Traprain Law, the ancient ruins, castles, standing stones and churches were just fantastic and very magical. Jackie’s knowledge of the area was very informative and it gave me a real sense of walking in someone else’s shoes as we visited the sites of St. Baldred. From an artist’s point of view, I found the Traprain Law trail very inspiring and the sea air very refreshing! Thanks Jackie for the wonderful (and unfortunately very short) Celtic experience.”
Tracey-Ann Smith, Perth , Western Australia

“A belated note of thanks for the day spent with you, which, against the heavy competition of the Fringe remains the highlight of our trip to Scotland . I still vividly remember your tour, particularly the old chapel in the brambles down by the beach. Many thanks from us all.” Richard McKinley, USA
“Just a quick ‘thank you’ for the great tour last Sunday. We really enjoyed ourselves – Broughton was a real gem – and we’d never have made it to Dawyck on our own.” Chris Wisdom, Chief Librarian, St Pauls Cathedral, London
“Thank you very much for the most wonderful and pleasant day with you….Thank you again for your hospitality.. You are so amiable and warm…..” Yin Zhn, computer network manager, East China
“Thank you so much for the most wonderful and pleasant day with you. Thank you for your hospitality, You are so amiable and warm”. Janet Zhu, China

“We had a very nice time on our tour with you. Thanks again for customizing a special day for us! The new “Pictish” trail sounds very interesting. I will definitely keep it in mind for our return trip. We are truly hoping to return.”… Laura & Kelly Buckley, Colorado Springs , USA

“Thank you again for your wonderful tours” Susan and John Jones, California
“Thank you so much for sharing your insight and knowledge on the sacred sights of Scotland . It was like experiencing a journey through time, discovering mysteries around every corner. We truly enjoyed ourselves” Lauren and Jessica Merrill California

Jackie,your talk on Roslyn Chapel ,the Templar and Celtic connection to our Salthill Active group was brilliant and the ‘feedback’ from the members was very positive.They all enjoyed it. Their only complaint was that the time allotted to you  presentation was much too short!  It was a most interesting,detailed,and historical account of this magnificent ancient building and your photographs and slides were excellent, and added  greatlyto the enjoyment and interest, We have all talked of a possible tour next year  to  Roslyn and possibly Edinburgh and other parts of Scotland . And of course, if you were our tour guide , it would be, as they say,’the icing on the cake’, as your  extensive knowledge of the area, the history of the Chapel, the Knight Templars and the whole Celtic influence, is incredible. Thanks again, Jackie,for your talk, Eithne Sec Salthill Active Retirement Galway Ireland

“Thank you for travelling down to Cambridge to give us such an interesting and stimulating talk on the Rosslyn Chapel. Your lecture really prompted a great deal of interest and comment, and your enthusiasm for your subject was quite infectious.” X, past worshipful Grand Master, Trinity College Lodge, Cambridge UK

Reshel ley lines 

“Nice to meet you at the Conference on Sunday. I thoroughly enjoyed your intriguing talk” Alan Grant, cartoonist, Scotland