one of my books on sale at Rosslyn Chapel
My books on sale at Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh, Scotland are not only about the chapel itself. In some ways the chapel is a sacred grove set in stove. In the fifteenth century there was a great deal of knowledge of tree lore and the power of nature that inspired its design. Similarly my books include an early collection of local legends, poems and history of the chapel and area. I was featured in Barbara Sinclair’s blog, following her visit to Rosslyn Chapel . Barbara discovered my earliest book, Tree Murmurs, written in 1999, tucked away on a low shelf at Rosslyn Chapel’s gift shop. It has been selling for 16 years. Barbara kindly went on to take the time to write wrote a wonderful blog on my book Tree Murmurs. Thank you so much Barbara. Clearly my book gives you much pleasure and joy.
Tree Murmurs
Tree Murmurs still moves many souls. It’s heartening to realise my poems can do this and never seem to die. It’s as if the information contained within them is timeless. I base my poetry on the original cultural perception of the trees as recorded in ancient mythological poems. The poems summarise the essence of each tree. Anyone who joins my newsletter list at the foot of my home page will receive a free copy of the centrepiece and all the vowel poems from this book. The vowels represent the five Celtic seasons. Everyone is born to a specific tree (lunar) month, and also is born to a corresponding season too. Many times women have told me how the lunar poem speaks of their very nature, and is indeed their favourite tree, before they knew that this was their birth tree sign!
If you cannot see my books at Rosslyn do ask a staff member-Barbara said followed her instincts and they led her to my book!
Some months ago at a cultural event in Ireland I delivered a music and visual event based on the book, and a few days ago I heard how people found the poems very beautiful. I’ve plenty of copies at home too that I can post if you would like to order one— check it out here.
Jackie, your work is inspiring! Are you still leading Rosslyn Chapel tours in Scotland? Or the Pict Tours in the highlands? I’ll be there in September 2015, and would LOVE to take several of your tours. If you don’t work in Scotland anymore, could you refer me to a kindred spirit of yours there? Many thanks!
I’ll be traveling in Clare and Meath in another week
visiting sites with a group of friends – and would love to know if you ever meet up with small groups?
Thanks .
Jane Naturally I would love to meet up with groups of friends. What had you in mind? Would you like a dowsing session at a site or a tour of local sites or a bit of sound too? My number is 0834117498- do get in touch!