by Jackie Queally | Jan 13, 2024 | News
The first week in January I set off on one of those bright days we are getting in the west of Ireland to scramble along the coast of Conemara near my house. I had read of a woman inviting anyone to link with her at 3pm in a water prayer. She asked us to thank water...
by Jackie Queally | Nov 23, 2023 | News
In October 2023 I followed a lead from a flier I picked up the Lake District in Cumbria, in the far north of England. The flier wrote about there being four mysterious stone bears tucked away in an old church graveyard. This caught my eye and with a free day at hand I...
by Jackie Queally | Feb 15, 2022 | News
How it Began for Me Late last year when I was ending the first course I had created for UN leaders on Stewarding Gaia for Effective Outcomes I began to feel a real urgency to ground my principles in action. As the course drew near its close, each of the participants...
by Jackie Queally | Aug 19, 2021 | News
I spent a full day with Jackie. She has encyclopaedic knowledge of leylines, energy work and spirituality, all of which were important components of my research. I learned how to dowse with pendulum and rods with her, and so much about the Burren and its fascinating...
by Jackie Queally | Apr 9, 2021 | News
GATEKEEPER TRUST Enjoy the following interview taken in the Spring of 2021, with more to follow hopefully with other groups! How do you perceive the planet Earth to be shifting and how are you accommodating that as an organization in your approach to your work?...
by Jackie Queally | Feb 1, 2021 | News Please click on the above to read my latest newsletter. February 1st 2021
by Jackie Queally | Sep 21, 2019 | climate change, News
Why call it Climate Breakdown? I have some thoughts on climate breakdown I want to share with you! I assume you realise that climate “breakdown” is more commonly termed climate “change”. It is far more than change though, and when I read this...
by Jackie Queally | May 20, 2018 | News
I’ve been experiencing interconnectivity, leading me to a deeper understanding of how it works. In recent months I have been integrating various streams of knowledge and skills that I have accumulated over the past few years. Can you recall a time in your own...
by Jackie Queally | May 8, 2018 | News
Respect Rivers: Join our next walk on May 26th 2018 Over the years living in Ireland I have come to respect and revere rivers, and indeed, all things water! I sense how Ireland carries a strong connection to water – she is a true water soul. So whenever I return...
by Jackie Queally | Jul 26, 2017 | earth energies, nature, News
Seeing a window in the Irish wet summer I set off for Co County Mayo on a solo Achill Island journey. I was hoping to find a specific area that a friend had told me held high earth energies, albeit on hearsay. My friend’s grandmother came from the westerly...
by Jackie Queally | Jul 19, 2017 | healing, nature, News
Last weekend I had a great opportunity to try healing trees with sound. I have always felt that sound healing can work on trees as well as on people. My recent additional training in biofield tuning reminded me of this possibility. When I attended the Tara festival in...
by Jackie Queally | Jan 1, 2017 | News
This year I was invited following a talk to organise a Winter Solstice walk. The river Inagh shares its name with a mythical river goddess. She rushes through my ancestral village, forming picturesque rapids near its old stone bridge. Luckily we practiced all the Gaia...
by Jackie Queally | Dec 5, 2016 | News
Meditation In just over two weeks I am organising a Gaia Touch Walk for the Solstice. This morning during meditation I tried a Gaia Touch exercise to strengthen the World of Beyond. It starts with being fully present in your body. It then leads you to a point where...
by Jackie Queally | Nov 4, 2016 | News
Now we are in the season of the Yew. I have uploaded a series of meditations for this season too. Recently I enjoyed a whole month in Nova Scotia giving spiritual talks and workshops. I focussed my workshops on the Celtic Trees because I am about to write a book on...
by Jackie Queally | Sep 4, 2016 | News
An inspiring workshop on Airmid the goddess of all healing plants Recently I had the good fortune to being able to last-minute attend a ceremonial retreat entitled Airmid and the Dream of Plants. It was a real treat to be safely retreated into the plant kingdom. Led...
by Jackie Queally | Aug 1, 2016 | News
My tree meditations for the Celtic Tree continue with the Heather. The group of trees that support the Heather Season in the Ogham Calendar are very positive ones with powerful intuitive qualities too. The heather is primarily connected to the dreamtime and so can...
by Jackie Queally | Jul 31, 2016 | News
One of the artefacts I come across on my wanderings over Ireland is the labyrinth, a very special mechanism for centering and clearing yourself, especially when journeying! Here is an account of my visit to labyrinths in Cork. Enjoy! In late July I drove to Cork with...
by Jackie Queally | Jul 13, 2016 | News
After Marko Pogacnik’s visit to the Burren I invited local participants from his workshop to return for a follow-up workshop tour in South Galway, tuning into the earth energies and practising Gaia Touch exercises in nature. Throughout this post I will include...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 28, 2016 | News
This is a workshop to develop our awareness of tree archetypes as valid aspects of our soul life. Through activities that are simple to replicate we will be encouraged and inspired to develop our own means of communicating with trees as tree archetypes. This uses the...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 5, 2016 | News
The oak meditation I composed for this month of the Oak came a surprise to me as a few days before actually writing and recording it I received a download of it essence energetically. By this I mean I was in silent meditation and the whole being of the tree entered me...
by Jackie Queally | May 2, 2016 | News
The hawthorn month is a time when nature is showing us her pulse loud and clear, and it is a racey one, with the courting of the king and queen at Beltaine, and the strong heart that the hawthorn affords. She transforms the smouldering fire of the blackthorn into a...
by Jackie Queally | Apr 25, 2016 | News
The Blackthorn shares the same lunar month as its gentler counterpart the Willow. It is an enigmatic thorny tree, pictured here close-up with its long talon-like thorns and delicate blossoms. I notice it most when it comes into flower, though in winter its fruit the...
by Jackie Queally | Apr 7, 2016 | News
The ancient Ogham Calendar Why did I choose this photo above? Winter is the time when the earth is more active according to the seer Rudolf Steiner. The tree in its bare outline reminds me of everything that is stirring below, out of sight, and I will connect with the...
by Jackie Queally | Apr 5, 2016 | News
I am creating an exciting innovative range of audio meditations honouring the Celtic tree calendar. This meditation product goes very well with my book Tree Murmurs and the Celtic Tree essences I administer as one of the first qualified Ogham Tree practitioners in...
by Jackie Queally | Mar 11, 2016 | News
The above short video using tuning forks to “sound activate” a castle was one of a series of four taken in January with artist Whit Forester of the USA. As Whit puts it; By placing the tuning forks on the floor we turn each floor of the Castle in...
by Jackie Queally | Jan 23, 2016 | News
Walking a labyrinth is very beneficial for our mental and spiritual health. I have known of labyrinths as a tool for reflection for at least 30 years. When I lived in Edinburgh the University had a beautiful one installed in George Square. This was convenient for...
by Jackie Queally | Jan 6, 2016 | News
“Truly winter is a season of Inner Fireworks with an opportunity to dance with the earth, as at no other time.” (Shirley Langpohl, Nova Scotia) During these literally dark times we are experiencing on the...
by Jackie Queally | Oct 2, 2015 | News
I am compiling a list of legends of dragons, fairy people and other diverse creatures that stem from the natural landscape of County Clare. This is for a free talk I will be giving on Friday 16th October at 8pm at the wonderful Kilshanny House in County Clare. I think...
by Jackie Queally | Sep 6, 2015 | News
I returned to Holy Island Lough Derg after a gap of several years, armed with my dowsing map that I had created upon the last visit. I was delighted with the fact that the ley lines still seemed to be there, and more delighted still that the weather was beautiful for...
by Jackie Queally | Aug 24, 2015 | News
It’s not to do with the size and it’s all to do with the quality of a site. In this case that truth is clear to behold when you visit Ireland’s smallest stone circle: Kealkil Stone Circle in beautiful West Cork. In The Divine Blueprint Freddy Silva...
by Jackie Queally | Jul 28, 2015 | News
Recently I took friends and clients to a new site in South Galway I discovered. Some old friends of mine had mentioned a bullaun stone lying in their local butcher’s field by the river. A bullaun stone is a stone with a carved hollow in its centre. Some believe...
by Jackie Queally | Jul 5, 2015 | News
I’m pleased with the article on the earth energies in the Burren that I wrote for Ireland’s latest magazine Otherwise. What I particular enjoy is the surprise interaction with readers I am encountering. I was in my local wholefood shop when the owner told...
by Jackie Queally | Jul 1, 2015 | News
If I were to be blunt about it, I would say that earth healing is a figment of the imagination! I know many of my past clients on tours claimed to be healing earth sites, but deep down I sensed that the sites were already in a pure state-however as humans we are not...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 20, 2015 | News
My books on sale at Rosslyn Chapel near Edinburgh, Scotland are not only about the chapel itself. In some ways the chapel is a sacred grove set in stove. In the fifteenth century there was a great deal of knowledge of tree lore and the power of nature that inspired...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 13, 2015 | News
Why not tour Holy Island Lough Derg with me?This rural recluse is one that is not too far away from the Burren where I live. The journey there skirts the Slieve Aughtys mentioned in my book Spirit of the Burren.I spent a wonderful afternoon dowsing this holy island...
by Jackie Queally | Jun 11, 2015 | News
Sheelanagigs are not a constant in my radar as they are scattered fairly widely throughout Ireland and many are worn or in obscure places. That is why I was so pleased to spot one at a well-known tourist spot in the west of Ireland: Clonmacnoise is one of...
by Jackie Queally | May 10, 2015 | News
Last Friday when I arrived in the pouring rain at Kinvara to set up my book stall for the long morning ahead, a van almost hemmed me in as I parked. I offered to back up more to give the driver more room. He walked around the back of his van, reached in and gave me a...
by Jackie Queally | Apr 27, 2015 | News
I have designed a beautiful short break in the Burren in the west of Ireland, in which you can reconnect with Nature and nourish your “earth soul” in the process. So far I have dates for a great self-catering accommodation ready. The mid-nineteenth century...
by Jackie Queally | Apr 12, 2015 | News
Recently I came across an old CD with several recordings donated from Jacquelyn Atkins from Byron Bay in Australia. Jacquelyn had come on a tour with me in Roslin and had explained how she taught toning as a spiritual practice and service. I was fascinated as I have...
by Jackie Queally | Mar 31, 2015 | News
Having read a number of books on the fairies, or elementals of late – I feel in the mood, rather than overtly qualified, to write something on the, and indeed for the, fairies. There have been many incidents when I believe I have encountered fairies. As a very...
by Jackie Queally | Mar 23, 2015 | News
FINN’S OLD GROUNDS When I lived in Scotland I was aware how Glen Lyon in the heartlands of Scotland was an area that was ringed by ancient homesteads known affectionately in old books as “Fingallian ring forts”, or “Irish homesteads”.The...
by Jackie Queally | Feb 6, 2015 | News
My workshops encourage you develop a sensitivity to the Earth. Gaia Touch yoga is like a series of earth meditations with simple gestures and focussed intent geared toward creating a healthy and creative link between you and the living Earth. This creates mutual...
by Jackie Queally | Feb 6, 2015 | News
It is the time of year when Spring fast approaches, and yet the winter days can be the coldest in the season. So on the days when the sun blesses the land with a strong presence, it is a pure joy to be out on the land. I was so greatful to be out last weekend on one...
by Jackie Queally | Jan 13, 2015 | News
Happy New Year
by manager | Dec 17, 2014 | News
Jackie’s new book Essence of the Burren is due out in the next week. It makes a perfect gift for anyone planning to visit the Burren, or learn more about its unique qualities.
by manager | Dec 17, 2014 | News
Jackie is in the process of converting her best-selling book “The Spiritual Meaning of Rosslyn’s Carvings” into e book and Kindle versions so visitors to Rosslyn Chapel can enjoy their visit more. See store for details.
by manager | Dec 17, 2014 | News
Jackie is leading experts in healing energies from France on a Templar tour of Scotland from 2nd-6th May 2015. This journey is flexible always focussing on the interests of the group in hand. There are many sites to explore close to Edinburgh or you can further north...
by manager | Dec 17, 2014 | News
In May 14th – 17th 2015 Jackie is accompanying and assisting the artist, healer and earth geomancer Marko Pogačnik on a peace mission in Derry (Londonderry, Northern Ireland). Marko has been invited back to do more work on the peace process by the local...
by manager | Dec 17, 2014 | News
Jackie has started filming locations that are strongly associated with the life of WB Yeats. She will be delivering a poetry event set to music and filming as a standalone event for the Yeats Centenery Year celebrations in 2015. More media about this to follow in...
by manager | Dec 17, 2014 | News
The Hunt Museum in Limerick have invited Jackie to perform Tree Murmurs as part of their native species education festival next summer.